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Role of Expert Witnesses in Gwinnett County Car Accident Cases
Scott Pryor

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Scott Pryor

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Published on

Feb 25, 2023

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4 min read

Last modified

Feb 26, 2025

Role of Expert Witnesses in Gwinnett County Car Accident Cases

George Code Annotated §24-7-702 defines the qualifications of an expert witness. An attorney must ensure that their expert complies with this statute before they testify in court. Overall, the use of expert witnesses in Gwinnett County car accident cases depends on the specifics of the situations.

Types of Expert Witnesses

When choosing what kinds of expert witnesses to use in a Gwinnett County car wreck cases, an attorney must consider all of the claimant’s losses. The plaintiff’s treating physician and other medical experts on their injuries are most commonly used as expert witnesses in auto collision cases.

The prosecutor can be extremely harsh on expert witnesses, so primary care doctors and attending physicians usually testify regarding their plaintiff’s condition and their treatment plan. Other experts that may be called to testify at trial may include:

  • An economist
  • An actuary
  • A life care planner can testify as to the injured person’s present and future needs
  • An accident reconstructionist

Economists and life care planners may be called to explain the past, present, and future medical and personal care expenses that a plaintiff may sustain due to their injuries. This allows the jury to see a full and accurate depiction of the injured party’s losses.

In cases where a defect in the claimant’s vehicle caused the wreck, a diligent attorney may have a biomechanical expert articulate the mechanics of the accident and the liabilities in question. These experts may be able to talk about the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Guidelines and how the motor vehicle company or driver did not abide by those rules.

How Can Expert Witnesses Help Build a Case?

If liability is in question, an expert witness or accident reconstructionist may be able to explain how the accident occurred and who was at fault, with great specificity.

On the other hand, the medical experts are meant to complete the picture on damages. This means they can demonstrate how the claimant became injured, what they were like before the incident, and what injuries may be permanent. It is the job of the claimant’s attorney to present a complete argument for the jury so they can be fully equipped to award the plaintiff damages that cover all of their losses.

How Much Weight are Expert Witness Testimonies Given?

Depending on the expert witness and their area of expertise, this determines the weight of their testimony. Some defense attorneys may argue with the expert’s testimony while others may concede to some points, helping the plaintiff. This depends on the expert, the plaintiff’s lawyer, and how they use that expert.

When Expert Testimony May or May Not Be Used

While expert testimony can often strengthen the evidence in a case, there are certain situations where they may hurt a claim at trial. Not all individuals with the knowledge and expertise relevant to a case have the personable traits required to testify in court.

If the expert is not congenial or agreeable, they may not relate to the jury, and this would not help the plaintiff’s case. A lawyer also may not use an expert on the stand who speaks with heavy technical jargon that the jury may not understand.

Additionally, expert witnesses in car wreck cases in Lawrenceville should be used sparingly. Too many witnesses with similar opinions could irritate the jury. However, an attorney should ensure that they present the claimant’s losses to the jury in their entirety. In some cases, expert witnesses may not be necessary at all. The treating physician or videotape of the treating physician may be sufficient. Other cases may have gaps that need fortification by an expert.

Contact an Attorney to Learn More About Expert Witnesses in Gwinnet County Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

If you suffered injuries in a motor vehicle collision, legal counsel could help you build a case. Some legal representatives may use expert witnesses in Gwinnett County car accident cases. These testimonies can either make or break your case. Therefore, it is important to find an attorney who understands how to use them skillfully to help a case. To learn how one of our legal minds could help you, call today.

Scott Pryor

Scott Pryor

Managing Attorney | CEO

Scott is a U.S. Marine Veteran. He is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and is listed in the top 1% of trial attorneys in the nation by the Litigator Awards. He is also a member of Super Lawyers, National Trial Lawyers, the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association—Champion Level and sits on the Communications Committee of GTLA and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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